Singletrack Supporting World Bicycle Relief

Singletrack Supporting World Bicycle Relief


Raised so far

  • About

How much did you spend on your last bike? How many bikes do you own? 

We know that many of our readers are fortunate enough to be able to afford the n+1 bike. A new bike just because you want it. We'd like to encourage those of you that can to consider accompanying your next n+1 purchase with a donation to World Bicycle Relief.

You know the excitement of new bike day. A donation of just £120 will buy a Buffalo Bike and make someone who really needs one get the joy of new bike day too. Buffalo Bikes are specially designed to be durable, practical, and easy to maintain. World Bicycle Relief gives them to the people who need them most, and where they will have the greatest impact: healthcare workers and young girls.

  • With a Buffalo Bike, a healthcare worker in a rural area can cover much more ground and treat many more people, as well as spreading vital public health messages.
  • With a Buffalo Bike, a girl can get to school without risk of attack. She can meet her obligations to complete chores, and she can help carry her siblings to school. Staying in education for longer gives a girl much better life chances, and helps lift whole communities out of poverty.

A Buffalo Bike helps more than just the person who receives it, and we think that in the context of what many of us spend on bikes and components, £120 for something so beneficial is a small price. But if that is out of your reach, just £20 is enough to buy a wheelset for a Buffalo Bike.

Whatever you can afford to give, we think this is a worthy cause, and we thank you for your donation. Bicycles give us the means to play and explore. Your donation can give someone else the means to build a better future.