Cycling for Softies Supporting World Bicycle Relief

Cycling for Softies Supporting World Bicycle Relief


Raised so far

  • About

World Bicycle Relief mobilises people through the Power of Bicycles. Together, we envision a world where distance is no longer a barrier to independence and livelihood. This is your chance to help somebody who has only ever walked.

Cycling for Softies, alongside World Bicycle Relief aims to send 80 Buffalo Bicycles this year. Help us by creating a team and fundraising for this inspirational cause. For ideas about fundraising see our A - Z of Fundraising Ideas for inspiration.

A Buffalo Bicycle is not your average Bike - it's a life changer. Engineered for heavy loads, long distances, and rugged terrain it is the only bike strong enough to triumph against rugged roads in developing countries. It costs £120 to give the gift of a Buffalo Bicycle.

Thank you for believing in the Power of Bicycles!